This section contains links to various standards bodies, professional institutions and regulatory authorities, along with related Government agencies and organisations.
Standards and regulation compliance are now more important than ever given the urgent need for the building services engineering sector, including lighting, to devise energy-efficient, carbon-reducing, sustainable solutions.
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland was established as Ireland’s national energy authority under the Sustainable Energy Act 2002. SEAI’s mission is to play a leading role in transforming Ireland into a society based on sustainable energy structures, technologies and practices. To fulfil this mission SEAI aims to provide well-timed and informed advice to Government, and deliver a range of programmes efficiently and effectively, while engaging and motivating a wide range of stakeholders and showing continuing flexibility and innovation in all activities.
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE Ireland) — CIBSE Ireland promotes the careers of building services engineers by accrediting courses of study in higher education. It also approves work-based training programmes and provides routes to full professional registration and membership, including Chartered Engineers, Incorporated Engineers and Engineering Technicians.
Safe Electric’s primary objective is to protect the safety interests of customers with respect to electrical installation activities through the registration and supervision of electrical contractors.
National Standards Authority of Ireland
Standards create a climate of trust in the marketplace for goods and services. For customers, a certified standard is a badge of quality. For business, it can provide protection against unfair competition and help instil consumer confidence.
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the world’s leading organisation that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies.
CENELEC is the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization and is responsible for standardisation in the electrotechnical engineering field. CENELEC prepares voluntary standards, which help facilitate trade between countries, create new markets, cut compliance costs and support the development of a Single European Market.
The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland supports the architectural profession, promotes the value that architecture brings to society for everyone’s benefit, and maintains the Register for Architects.
LightingEurope is the voice of the European lighting industry, based in Brussels and representing 30 companies and national associations. Together these members account for over 1,000 European companies, a majority of which are small or medium-sized, that manufacture luminaires, lamps and related components. They represent a total European workforce of over 100,000 people and an annual turnover exceeding 20 billion euro.
EIFI provides a forum within which all sectors of the Irish Electrical Industry can discuss matters of Industry interest.