Lighting Association Ireland (LAI) recently held its AGM in the RDS Members Club with the usual excellent attendance. The meeting format takes place around a large table rather than in theatre style, and this makes for a more engaging and inter-active process. It was a very successful event with representatives from most of the 31-strong...Read More
Modern Lighting Design for Efficiency and Practicality” was the theme of the recent CIBSE Ireland competition run primarily for young engineers. It attracted considerable interest, making the task of the final adjudicators – Stephen Weir, CIBSE Ireland Chair and Michael McDonald, TU Dublin lecturer and CIBSE Ireland Committee member – very difficult. In the end...Read More
The recent LAI AGM at the RDS Members’ Club in Dublin proved an enormous success with just over two-thirds of the 30 members in attendance. The new format proved highly-effective and, apart from getting through the agenda more swiftly and succinctly, it also facilitated extensive networking. Members had the opportunity to raise matters in...Read More
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