Lighting Association Ireland (LAI) recently held its AGM in the RDS Members Club with the usual excellent attendance. The meeting format takes place around a large table rather than in theatre style, and this makes for a more engaging and inter-active process. It was a very successful event with representatives from most of the 31-strong membership attending.

Topics and LAI delegate reports covered everything from WEEE through to emergency lighting, training and education, the LE sustainability group, public lighting, NSAI standards, the LE value of lighting group, EPREL, the EIFI and the SEAI Energy Show.

The elected officers and members of the LAI executive steering group for 2025 are as follows.


Chair — Gavin Edwards

Ex-Officio — Gearóid McKenna

Vice-Chair — Dave Murphy

Treasurer — David Vaughan

Secretary — Pat Lehane

Executive Steering Group — Gavin Edwards; Dave Murphy; Gearóid McKenna; Paul O’Connor; David Vaughan; Pat Lehane

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